Most projects begin with the performance of a preliminary geotechnical investigation. These investigations are focused on providing detailed grading and foundation design recommendations.
We provide technician and engineering/geology support personnel to monitor the geotechnical aspects of a project during construction. These services are provided for ongoing SCG projects, as well as on projects where the preliminary report was prepared by another geotechnical firm.
SoCalGeo has performed infiltration studies on hundreds of projects in the Southern California region. Most projects will require some type of system to provide on-site disposal or treatment of stormwater.
Each of our comprehensive preliminary geotechnical reports provides a limited discussion of the liquefaction potential of the on-site soils. Where initial research or drilling indicates a significant potential for liquefiable soils, we can perform a more detailed liquefaction evaluation.
Our vast experience allows us to determine probable sources of distress, and provide concise recommendations that can reasonably be implemented at the site.
It is the 3D computer graphics process of automatically converting 3D wire frame models into 2D images with 3D photorealistic effects or non-photorealistic rendering on computer.
Our geotechnical services can be employed to prepare specialized geotechnical reports addressing the unique features of your site, such as: Pavement Design Geologic Hazards Surveys Slope Stability Studies Landslide Investigations Groundwater Studies Percolation Testing Geologic Mapping Soil Resistivity
SCG also specializes in conducting percolation testing and infiltration testing. Percolation testing produces data which determines percolation/infiltration rates, and is used to prepare a preliminary design for a storm water retention/disposal system that will be used to dispose of surface water runoff at a subject site. We can also perform percolation testing for septic disposal…